
What are benefits of course Internationalization?

美国州立大学和学院协会在其2004年的报告中明确阐述了高等教育中国际化的好处, A Call to 领导: The Presidential Role in Internationalizing the University:

  • 国际化帮助学生培养全球批判性思维技能,这对于作为世界公民做出贡献和国际市场竞争至关重要.
  • Internationalization links communities to the world, 扩大大学服务和参与的机会,同时提高大学的全球竞争力.
  • 国际化有助于国家安全和至关重要的经济,并为了解和重视美国民主的世界领导人做好准备.
  • Internationalization enlivens faculty scholarship and teaching, expands research opportunities, and provides a pathway to national and 国际 distinction.
    来源: National Communication Association.
How complicated is the 国际ization process at 阿拉莫大学?

We've worked really hard to make the process as seamless as possible. 我们在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区已经提供的许多课程可以很容易地增强,以增加或调整所需的组件. By completing this course, faculty members will have a full understanding of the benefits, 技术, and options available to implement their course.

Is it better to use a course I am already teaching or create a new course?

As the subject expert, we rely on the faculty to decide this. 一些教师可能会发现,选择他们真正熟悉的课程,国际化过程会更容易, 但是开始一门新课程也有它的优势,因为从一开始就牢记能力有多重优势,比如能够澳门正规博彩十大排行平台向后设计, 确保作为课程一部分实施的活动支持阿拉莫全球能力的学习和发展, 等.

I already have learning objectives in my course that must be covered. I can’t add anything else.

国际化你的课程并不需要你在你的课程中添加新的内容或作业,而是用全球的视角来加强已经存在的内容. 您可以通过多种方式做到这一点,例如通过调整现有的任务来关注更全局的视角. To help you determine the focus of the global lens you want to add to your course, 这个Canvas课程将帮助您创建一个独立于所需学习目标的学习成果.

I’m not sure I can add objectives to my state-mandated course objectives (SLO).

Our administration has verified that it is possible to add additional SLO's to your courses. To distinguish them from learning objectives, we call them global learning outcomes.

以下内容摘自德克萨斯州高等教育委员会发布的学术课程指南, ACGM的低级别课程指南手册由德州高等教育委员会出版的学术课程, and ACGM's Lower-Division Course Guide Manual.

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"...院校不得删除课程描述中的任何主题或ACGM中提供的任何学生学习成果. Based on local needs, an institution may include additional topics and learning outcomes. 额外的主题和学习成果不应改变ACGM中主题和学习成果所代表的课程的重点和主要功能."

来源: THECB for academic courses/ACGM – Lower-Division Course Guide Manual.

My subject is not suited to adding a global perspective.

We currently live in an interconnected world w在这里 everyone is connected in some way globally.

You can see examples of 国际ized courses at Florida International University 在这里. Use the search options to find your particular subject area.

I want to talk to someone about my packet or about my plan for course 国际ization.

The Office of 国际项目 is 在这里 to help! They can assist you with procedural questions in the submission of your packet. 他们还可以帮你联系课程国际化工作组的一位同事,帮助你解决任何与教学有关的问题.

Reach out via email or phone: Sherrie Radicke, 210-485-0814

How long does the course 国际ization designation last?

The designation is valid for three years. 在那之后, 该课程将被审查以确保当前的文件符合管理要求和/或遵循地区可能采用的新的最佳做法. 如果需要任何小版本,国际项目办公室和/或教师工作组将协助教师了解这一点,并共同努力进行任何更新.

Are t在这里 examples of 国际ized courses I can take a look at?
  • Faculty can see additional examples kindly provided by Florida International University 在这里.
    • Note: The search options will assist faculty to find an example in their subject area. 
  • Examples of 国际ized courses from 阿拉莫大学 区: Coming 很快!
  • 您可以在这里查看滑铁卢大学教师的一些课程国际化策略示例. 在这里下载
Do I need to complete the 国际ization process for each course I teach?

You need to submit a packet for each course to obtain the designation.  You do not need to submit a separate packet if you teach multiple sections of the same course.


Can I only 国际ize one course?

You can 国际ize as many courses as you want.

What is Course Internationalization?

课程国际化是指课程内容中融入国际元素的过程, 国际 resources are used in course readings and assignments, 实施适合不同文化背景的学生群体的教学方法”(Schuerholz-Lehr等)., 2007, p. 70).

T在这里 are a variety of approaches to how to 国际ize a course, 从增加一个国际范围的模块或作业到一个完整的课程重新设计,整个课程是围绕全球(全球)的学习和评估构建的, 国际, intercultural) learning outcomes. (Indiana University Center for the Study of Global Change.