• 东北四季如春 物流 program has committed to assisting the 圣安东尼奥特奥会 in organizing their warehouse 和 improving logistical efficiency. This photo shows 学生 assisting in building 和 packaging health bags that will be distributed to the local High Schools in the 圣安东尼奥 Area.


项目类型: 面对面,混合
项目级别: 度,证书
部门: 商业、哲学和技术
研究所: 先进制造 & 物流
大学: 缴送工作


目前, the globalized economy has generated a constant high flow of goods (from a variety of different industries) that starts from production to consumer consumption. This dem和 has ultimately led to a high dem和 for 物流和供应链管理 professionals. The 物流和供应链管理 major concentrates on the basic principles 和 operations used by modern-day industry professionals. Some of the essential components of this program include Dem和 Forecasting, 库存控制, 采购, 配送中心管理, 全球运输, 及物料资源计划. 另外, this program includes a course of study in Business Management to prepare 学生 for leadership 和 management positions in the industry.


  • 物流 Industry Day brings 学生 face-to-face with logistics industry companies.
  • Custom Brokerage course opens up a new world of import 和 export trade regulations.
  • Supply chain simulations expose 学生 to the challenges of product distribution.
  • An internship with a local company allows you to apply classroom learning to the real world.

Certifications that are offered in addition to the Program 学位/Certificate

  • Lean Six Sigma: This method is used to improve performance or production by systematically removing waste 和 reducing variation in processes.
  • Microsoft Excel: Earning this certification demonstrates a student’s capability of getting the most out of using Microsoft Excel.
  • Mercury Gate(运输管理系统软件)

学位s & 证书提供

A.A.年代,物流 & 供应链管理




德克萨斯州的一个&M University (Central Texas) 



As the operational dynamics of the supply chain become top-of-mind in this age of instant gratification, 企业正处于生死存亡的十字路口. Their so-called “operators” are their secret weapon to maintaining a competitive edge. 在这种环境下, it’s clear that supply chain professionals are poised to become the most powerful executives in the world, overseeing the heart 和 soul of global commerce 和 transforming the way companies run.



更好的供应链管理意味着更好的业务, 更好的企业创造更美好的世界.


To the obvious extent that supply chain management is a way to not just maintain a business, 而是引导和发展它, leadership within organizations can benefit from looking 关闭ly at what they are doing to attract top supply chain talent 和 include that talent in executive capacities. Previous generations of industry required little more than purchasers; today, 多亏了科技和全球化的兴起, 成功是建立在更为复杂的采购方法之上的.

For those who aspire to lead or influence the future of business -- whether employees, 学生, 教育工作者, 或者其他人——前进的道路是接受上述概念, 将它们广泛传播, 并利用它们为个人和组织带来利益. 更好的供应链管理意味着更好的业务, 更好的企业创造更美好的世界. 



环球套票- 350 w.png

这些项目中有一个或多个获得批准 准备工作 项目. Find out if you’re eligible to receive free tuition 和 job placement services that will enable you to secure an in-dem和 career. Don’t wait; apply today!


的职业领域 & 就业职位

  • 运输 -交通或货运经理, 调度主管, 或Fleet Manager: 55美元,723 to $100,902全国平均中位数
  • 仓储/配送 - Warehouse or Distribution Center Operations Manager: $62,998 to $99,410 National Average Median
  • 国际物流 海关代理, 物流分析, 进出口主管:58美元,137 to $102,600全国平均中位数
  • 制造业 ——生产经理, 营运主管或物流工程师:$42,500 to $115,100全国平均中位数
  • 采购 -采购经理, 客服主管, 财务总监:62美元,804 to $90,142全国平均中位数


  • VT航天工程
  • 圣安东尼奥特奥会

电子邮件:  kcollins65@ahriya.net

在过去的几年里, there have been more examples of Supply Chain professionals stepping not just into the C-suite, 而是进入令人垂涎的行政长官职位.

Among the more prominent supply chain leaders who’ve made it to the top slot, we can count 苹果公司的蒂姆·库克,通用汽车公司的玛丽·巴拉,英特尔的布莱恩·科再奇. 最近我们看到 费边·加西亚,前高露洁棕榄公司总裁他被选中接管露华浓 约翰德里克森 最近被提升为百利高的首席执行官.
