NLC Announces Innovation Grant Recipients

March 5, 2019

Kathleen Labus

NLC Announces 2018 Innovation Grant Recipients

以下项目已获得澳门正规博彩十大排行平台地区基金会创新资助计划的资助. 教师/员工创新资助计划鼓励教师和员工提供创新的教学和/或课外支持,积极影响学生的学习, persistence, and/or completion.  Each college within the Alamo Colleges District received $10,000 to be awarded to projects that meet these criteria. 


Project MEN Mentoring Program

Marlon Anderson, Director of Student Success

Amount funded: $3,200

这是一个指导项目,由男性卓越网络的参与者与来自柯比中学的3-5名非裔美国学生合作. 导师将帮助这些学生更好地了解他们如何开始为大学的严谨性做准备,并了解如何驾驭申请和接受过程. 该计划的目标不仅是建立这些年轻人对NLC的兴趣,而且要扩大他们追求大学学位的兴趣.

Nighthawks Nest Advocacy Center

Tracy Floyd, Director of Student Success

Amount funded: $2,500

夜鹰巢倡导中心将通过解决大学入学的社会经济障碍来支持学生的保留和毕业. The Program will include such services as a food pantry, assistance with emergency funds, counseling, document submission for public assistance programs such as WIC and SNAP, assistance with emergency utilities. 这个项目也将为学生提供参与社区服务的机会, service learning, and leadership roles. 学生志愿者将学习社区外展和教育的基础知识,以及社区如何组织各种资源来提供服务.

Community Alliance Expo

Sabrina Hammel, Assistant Professor, Political Science

Amount funded:  $2,500

这是一个服务学习项目,目的是协调蒙哥马利小学和塞尔纳小学的社区清洁工作. 该项目将包括邻里第一联盟和县专员办公室的现场招聘会. 东北湖景学院学生成功将被邀请参加活动,为出席者提供继续教育和劳动力信息和/或大学信息. 学生们将协助清洁当地的操场区域,协调筹款活动,以振兴和解教堂的操场,并为就读塞尔纳小学的学生提供一个安全的地方. 东北湖景学生将参与组织所有活动,并评估每个活动的需求.

Ambassador Program

Phillip Hicks, College Director of High School Programs

Amount funded: $800

学生大使计划是NLC在校学生展示领导力的机会. 专门的大使代表并服务于NLC社区,为未来的学生和/或社区成员提供校园参观, welcoming students and their families during New Student Orientation, visiting local high schools to speak with prospective students, and serving in various leadership capacities around campus. 大使的目标是培养学生的领导能力,并为他们提供服务的机会.

Adopt-A-School Campus Visit Project

Phillip Hicks, College Director of High School Programs

Amount funded:  $1,000

东北湖景学院将在2018年秋季和2019年春季学期举办当地中学班级的校园参观活动. 该计划的目标是在我们的服务区域内接触到一所服务不足的中学,并介绍大学出勤率的概念. The target is Kirby Middle School's 7th and 8th-grade classes. 柯比中学的学生是瓦格纳高中的学生,而瓦格纳高中的升学率非常低. Each class has approximately 200 students. The funds provided will pay for bus transportation to and from NLC. While on campus, students will participate in an introduction to college presentation, career exploration presentation, and a campus tour.