NLC 网络防御 Students Make the National List of Top Performing Schools by National Cyber League


东北湖景学院 is the only local college to make the national list

网络防御 Students representing 东北湖景学院 (NLC) competed for the second time in the National Cyber League (NCL) competition. The NCL compiles and releases a “大学 Power Rankings” listing of the top-performing institutions based on Individual achievement, 团队的成就, 以及学生的整体参与. 东北湖景学院 made the list and ranked both nationally and regionally. 没有其他地方大学进入全国前100名.

东北湖景学院 was ranked #84 in the Nation and #25 in the Central Region, 击败了像赖斯这样的学校, 路易斯安那理工大学, 普渡大学, UTSA, 杜兰大学在这个地区.

The National Cyber League competition is a “capture the flag” or “hack-a-thon” style event for U.S. 大学(2年,4年和研究生)水平的学校. The competition includes challenges from Open-Source Intelligence, 密码学, 密码破解, 取证, 还有其他5个类别. Students are given cyber security challenges ranging from easy to hard and have 56 hours over a single weekend to solve as many challenges as possible.

“这对这些学生来说是一个巨大的成就,奇普·索恩斯伯格说, 网络防御项目协调员.  “Students in NLC’s associate degree level 网络防御 program were able to compete against and beat 4yr university and graduate-level teams from across the country in this National competition. 这证明了NLC网络防御课程的有效性, 以及NLC学生的奉献精神, and the critical thinking skills needed to overcome any challenge. “

The 网络防御 program at 东北湖景学院 began in 2019 and since then has been touted with several recognitions.  Most recently being named one of the 20 best associate degree programs in the nation in 2021 for Cybersecurity.  NLC's 网络防御 program equips students with industry-relevant Cyber Security Training in Cisco, 窗户, 和Linux在一个专用的网络环境.


每年, 在10,000 students from more than 300 colleges and universities across the US participate in the NCL competitions. These rankings represent the ability of students from these schools to perform real-world cybersecurity tasks on the Cyber Skyline platform. 学生们必须从法医数据中识别黑客, 穿透测试, 审计易受攻击的网站, 从勒索软件攻击中恢复, 和更多的. 学校的排名是基于他们的顶级团队表现, 他们的优等生的个人表现, 以及学生的综合个人表现. 查看所有排名和更多关于比赛的信息 在线这里.


The 网络防御 program at 东北湖景学院 began in 2019 and since then has been touted with several recognitions.  Most recently being named one of the 20 best associate degree programs in the nation in 2021 for Cybersecurity.  NLC's 网络防御 program equips students with industry-relevant Cyber Security Training in Cisco, 窗户, 和Linux在一个专用的网络环境.

了解更多和申请,请访问 网络防御网页.