
May 2, 2023

东北湖景学院将成为贝索斯学院学前班的主办地点, expected to begin welcoming students in 2024

东北湖景学院(NLC)自豪地宣布,它已与贝索斯学院(Bezos Academy)合作,开设了一所免学费的学校, Montessori-style preschool on NLC’s campus. 这是贝索斯学院计划在贝尔县东北部和大圣安东尼奥地区开设的第一所幼儿园.

The Bezos Academy preschool will follow a full-day, year-round schedule. 贝索斯学院将承担学前教育项目的运营费用,对接受服务的家庭不收取任何费用, while providing everything that the children need during the day, including meals. NLC将为贝索斯学院提供最初的10年租约,使用6个,119 sf in its Wellness Center (located at 1201 Kitty Hawk Road), providing classroom and kitchen space for the preschool.

“贝索斯学院将创建一个全方位的系统,支持该地区服务不足的家庭对托儿服务的需求,” says Dr. Veronica Garcia, NLC President. “我们很感谢与贝索斯学院的合作,因为我们投资于我们社区的孩子们,努力实现我们共同的承诺,即一次改变一个孩子的生活.”

贝索斯学院很高兴能与东北湖景学院合作,为圣安东尼奥带来免学费的学前教育,” said Mike George, President of Bezos Academy. “For too many kids and their families, 学前教育不是一个选择,因为成本或因为没有足够的可用性. We’re excited to have the opportunity to serve the students, staff, and surrounding community members.” 

The school is slated to open in late 2024, following renovations that Bezos Academy will make to the building. 收入达到联邦贫困线400%且子女年龄在3-4岁的家庭有资格申请. That includes families of four earning up to $120,000/year. 贝索斯学院为无家可归或被寄养的儿童提供入学优先权. 更多信息和申请以抽签为基础的选拔程序,将张贴在 www.bezosacademy.org once the school opening date is set.  

About Northeast Lakeview College

Northeast Lakeview College, established in 2007, is one of the five colleges in the Alamo Colleges District. A center for educational excellence, 东北湖景学院将创新教学与实践经验相结合,为学生和社区提供示范性的丰富机会. Northeast Lakeview College serves more than 6,900名学生来自圣安东尼奥东北部和包括贝尔在内的周边社区, Comal, and Guadalupe Counties. 

About Bezos Academy

贝索斯学院是一家非营利组织,正在建立一个免学费的幼儿园网络. Our preschools offer year-round, full-day programming, five days a week, for children ages 3-5 years old from low-income families. 贝索斯学院还为学生提供所有必要的教育 用品 和服务,以帮助每个学生走向成功, including Montessori materials, books, arts and crafts, field trips, and meals. For more information, visit www.bezosacademy.org.    


Contact: Kathleen Labus, Director of Marketing & Strategic Communications 
210-854-8878 (c)
210-486-5470 (o) |kjohnson-hodge@ahriya.net


Katie Ford, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Bezos Academy 
206-705-7834 (o) |bezosacademymedia@we-worldwide.com