Early 招生 Program


What Is Early 招生?

提前录取计划是为那些想要在高中阶段就开始他们的未来并完成大学课程的高中生设计的. 参加提前录取计划可以让学生获得学分,这些学分将适用于他们未来的大学学位计划, which can shorten their time to graduation in college, saving time and money.

注意:学生不能在同一学期参加双学分和提前录取. 然而, 双学分学生可以在没有积极参加高中课程的学期申请提前录取.


As part of the admissions process, 学生将被要求选择他们想在NVC学习的课程. 学生可以查看下面的雷士核心课程课程和课程描述,以帮助他们确定自己想要学习的课程. 

NVC Core Curriculum Course Descriptions


 Requirements, Application Process, and Next Steps

Program Requirements

In order to be eligible for High School Early 招生, students must meet the following requirements:

  • 学生必须完成高中二年级或家庭学校的同等课程.

  • 学生 must not be active dual credit students, 由于学生不能在同一学期参加双学分和提前录取.

  • 最大合并课程负荷不得超过十八(18)个学期学分, 每门高中课程相当于一门三学分的课程.

  • 在接下来的学期重新注册需要所有大学水平课程的成绩达到C或更高.

  • 学生 must meet with an advisor each semester prior to registration.

  • 官方成绩单将不会发布,直到NVC记录办公室收到附有毕业日期的学生的官方高中成绩单, 适当的海豹, 和签名.
Application Process

1. Complete and submit an 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台Texas application
Select "Early 招生" as the admissions type. Please allow 4-5 business days for the application to process.

提交 Your 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台Texas Application


2. 填写并提交提前录取推荐信和家长同意书
The consent form must be signed by a parent and by a counselor, 老师, or principal from the student's high school. Email the completed form to the Vista中心: Welcome & 招生 Center at nvc-admissions@ahriya.net.

Download the Early 招生 Recommendation & Parent Consent Form


3. Comply with the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Requirements.
学生必须达到他们希望注册的课程的大学水平要求. 学生 can test at their high school or at NVC's Testing Office.

在参加TSI之前,所有学生都需要在他们的ACES账户中完成GoFAARR模块. 学生 who test at NVC will also need to complete the Test Prep module, a practice test designed to prepare students for the actual TSI.

学生如需协助取得ACES登入资料,可致电Vista中心联络 210-486-4125. 电邮至 nvc-admissions@ahriya.net, or visit our office in person in the Desert Willow Welcome Center (DWWC) room102.

View TSI hours, availability, and score requirements


4. 提交 official high school transcripts
提交 an official copy of your high school transcript to NVC.成绩单必须反映学生将在他们希望完成提前录取课程的学期中注册的高中课程.

例子:如果学生在大三的秋季学期申请提前录取, 他们提交的成绩单必须反映他们将在大三注册的课程.


邮寄: Electronically or Via 电子邮件: 了解:

西北Vista 大学
3535 N. 埃里森博士.
圣安东尼奥, TX 78251

学校可以通过Parchment等安全服务器将电子PDF成绩单发送给雷思, ESCRIPT-SAFE, or National Student Clearinghouse and Transcripts.

Transcripts must be in a sealed envelope. Opened transcripts will not be accepted.

Deliver transcripts to the 招生 Office or the Records Office.

招生: DWWC 102
记录:DWWC 102

Note: Home-school transcripts must be notarized.

Application Review Process and Next Steps

Once all items have been submitted and processed, 申请材料将在一周内被审核并作出决定.

学生将通过电子邮件或电话联系,为他们提供状态更新, 因此,请确保在您的申请中包含最新的联系信息.


  • Uploading bacterial meningitis documentation

  • Meeting with a Certified Academic Advisor

  • Registering for classes


澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区不保证通过提前录取计划获得的大学学分将满足学生的高中要求. 学生应该与他们的高中核实学分是否可以用来满足他们的要求.

No person shall be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, 年龄, color, 性别, 国籍, 宗教, or disability at the 阿拉莫大学 区.