The 圣安东尼奥 和平中心 at 西北Vista 大学

The 和平中心 is committed to creating a more just and compassionate world for all. We believe that compassion is the foundation of a peaceful society, and we work tirelessly to promote compassion in our community.

The 圣安东尼奥 和平中心
西北Vista 大学
Live Oak Hall-LOH #206
3535 N. 埃里森博士.
圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州. 78251

导演: Migdalia加西亚 - 210-486-4826

The 和平中心 also offers a variety of resources and training to help individuals, 组织, and communities become more compassionate. We have a library of books, 文章, and other resources on compassion, and we offer training on topics such as conflict engagement and transformation, 活跃的旁观者, compassionate communities, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills 培训 (ASIST), and restorative justice.


The 和平中心 is committed to creating a more just and compassionate world for all. We believe that compassion is the foundation of a peaceful society, and they work tirelessly to promote compassion in our community.


了解更多信息. please visit our 和平中心 webpages:

Blessing of the Peacemakers 2023