Rise to the challenge. Earn a degree online, on your time.

我们在五所学院开设的灵活的在线课程可以让你在任何地方学习, 随时随地-让你履行对家庭的承诺, the military, and your career.

Connect with us.







找到可以随时随地访问的在线课程. 如果你要搬迁,你的教育也会随之搬迁.



在申请和注册过程中获得招生教练和顾问的帮助, military benefits certification, and career-finding services.

A heroic veteran's inspiring return to online college

“一些吸引我的职位需要学位或一些证书,在线学习是完美的. 我有全职工作,有家庭,这让我能把事情做好."

斯科特·罗德里格斯,西北远景学院(NVC)完全在线学生Watch: Scott shares why he attended NVC online.

nvc-parapet.pngFind your degree path


Search Online Programs
Career Search
Or browse our fully online transfer opportunities

Your path to success begins here

Our steps walk you through the process, 从申请入学到在我们的五所澳门正规博彩十大排行平台之一开始你的在线课程.

Apply Now

MFY Hero-apply01.jpg


Apply and get accepted to college!

Applying is free and easy. Visit goapplytexas.org to complete your application. 

Apply now at GoApplyTexas.org

starhint-icon.png Tip - Filling Out Your Application

View Application FAQs


starhint-icon.png Tip - Applying for Financial Aid
Most students qualify for financial aid. 

Learn about applying for aid

Next Steps

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Access Student Portal

澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区使用ACES作为您所有信息的在线学生门户网站,可以在以下网站访问 aces.ahriya.net.

  • 您将在提交您的ApplyTexas申请后3-5天内通过电子邮件收到您的ACES登录信息.
  • 请务必完成“Start Here”选项卡中的AlamoENROLL GoFAARR和Test Prep模块.
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Submit Documents


starhint-icon.png Tip

You don’t have to wait to gather your paperwork. Start submitting these as soon as you apply. 

Get Registered

MFY Hero-getregistered01.jpg

Orientation and Registration

Celebrate your transition to college! 你将在新生迎新会(NSO)了解更多关于大学项目和服务的信息。, which is required for all new and transfer students.


Learn more about NSO 

Make Payment

After you’ve registered, 你需要确保你的学费已经由经济援助支付,或者你的付款已经支付,以避免你的课程被取消. 

View Registration and Payment Calendar

Questions about paying for college?

Learn more about Paying for College

Keeping military-students informed

If you fall into one of the following categories, 那么你就可以利用你的福利参加澳门正规博彩十大排行平台提供的一个完全在线的课程:

Post 9/11 GI Bill®(CH33)

如果你是退伍军人或退伍军人的家属,他或她的福利已经转移给了你, then you qualify to take fully online courses. 请注意,您将获得减少的每月住房津贴金额,相当于现役军人E5的全国平均水平的50%.


If you are a veteran or reservist, 然后,你可以参加所有的在线课程,并且仍然可以获得全额的每月津贴.

Dependents Education Assistance Program (CH35)

Only dependents may use this benefit. If you qualify, 您可以参加所有在线课程,并且仍然可以获得全额每月津贴.

Hazlewood Exemption (Veteran, Spouse, Child, Legacy)

如果你有资格通过德克萨斯州免除学费, 然后,你可以参加所有的在线课程,并仍然得到你的全额津贴. 请注意,这些课程必须在公立学院或大学学习.


If you qualify for this benefit, 然后你可以参加所有的在线课程,并获得你的全额福利.


If you qualify for this benefit, 然后你可以参加所有的在线课程,并获得你的全额津贴. For more information, visit MyCAA Military One Source.

We’re here to help you meet your goals. 

为我们的在线社区提供接受高等教育的途径, 所有五所学院都提供课程和支持服务,帮助军人学生通过获得学位实现梦想, certification, or credentials, fully online.


Contact your college's Veterans Affairs Center today!

Northeast Lakeview College

Northwest Vista College

Palo Alto College

St. Philip's College

San Antonio College

What makes the Alamo Colleges so affordable?

$109 per credit
in-district tuition, fully online

Graduate college for less. 所有住在德克萨斯州比尔县的学生都可以以每学时109美元的学费获得学位.

Learn more: Tuition

$180 per credit
out-of-district/state tuition, fully-online

Out-of-district/state doesn't mean out of luck! 完全在线的学生可以以每学分180美元的电子费率获得学位.

Learn more: E-Rate

No-cost book rentals
with AlamoBOOKS+

教科书和教学材料的租金包括在学费中, 所以你不必担心额外的教育费用.

Learn more: AlamoBOOKS+

Stay in the know


  • Parts of Term



    Flex I

    Fall First 5 Week

    Start II

    Fall Second 5 Week 

    Flex II

    Fall Third 5 Week

    Term dates

    Aug. 28-Dec. 16 

    Aug. 28-Oct. 21

    Aug. 28- Sept. 30

    Sept. 11-Dec. 16

    Oct. 2- Nov. 4

    Oct. 23-Dec. 16

    Nov. 6- Dec. 9

    Term length

    16 weeks

    8 weeks

    5 weeks

    14 weeks

    5 weeks

    8 weeks

    5 weeks


    Key Dates


    Flex I

    Fall First 5 Week

    Start II

    Fall Second 5 Week 

    Flex II

    Fall Third 5 Week

    Last day to apply for admission

    Aug. 7, 2023

    Aug. 7, 2023

    Aug. 7, 2023

    Aug. 28, 2023

    Sept. 18, 2023

    Oct. 9, 2023

    Oct. 23, 2023

    Registration deadline

    Aug. 27, 2023

    Aug. 27, 2023

    Aug. 27, 2023

    Sept. 10, 2023

    Oct. 1, 2023

    Oct. 22, 2023

    Nov. 5

    Census date

    Sept. 13, 2023

    Sept. 5, 2022

    Aug. 31, 2023

    Sept. 22, 2023

    Oct. 5, 2023

    Oct. 30, 2023

    Nov. 9, 2023

    注:网上报名将于缴费截止日期下午7:30结束.m. until 8 a.m. next day.

    What is Census date?

    • Last day to withdraw without a W on transcript
    • 尚未支付相应学期余额的学生将从该学期的课程中除名
  • Parts of Term




    Flex I

    Spring First 5 Week

    Start II

    Spring Second 5 Week

    Flex II

    Spring Third 5 Week

    Term dates

    Dec. 18 – Jan. 5

    Jan. 16 – May 11

    Jan. 16 – Mar. 9

    Jan. 16 – Feb. 17

    Jan. 29 – May 11

    Feb. 19 – Mar. 30

    Mar. 18 – May 11

    Apr. 1– May 11

    Term length

    3 weeks

    16 weeks

    8 weeks

    5 weeks

    14 weeks

    5 weeks

    8 weeks

    5 weeks


    Key Dates




    Flex I

    Spring First 5 Week

    Start II

    Spring Second 5 Week

    Flex II

    Spring Third 5 Week

    Last day to apply for admission

    Dec. 4, 2023

    Jan. 2, 2024

    Jan. 2, 2024


    Jan. 2, 2024

    Jan. 15, 2024

    Feb. 5, 2024

    Feb. 26, 2024

    Mar. 18, 2024

    Registration deadline

    Dec. 17, 2023 Jan. 15, 2024 Jan. 15, 2024 Jan. 15, 2024 Jan. 28, 2024 Feb. 18, 2024 Mar. 18, 2024 Mar. 31, 2024

    Census date
    (Last day to withdraw without a W on transcript)

    Dec. 19, 2023

    Jan. 31, 2024

    Jan. 23, 2024

    Jan. 19, 2024 §§

    Feb. 9, 2024

    Feb. 22, 2024

    Mar. 25, 2024

    Apr. 4, 2024

    注:网上报名将于缴费截止日期下午7:30结束.m. until 8 a.m. next day.

    What is Census date?

    • Last day to withdraw without a W on transcript
    • 尚未支付相应学期余额的学生将从该学期的课程中除名
  • Parts of Term



    Summer I 8 Week

    Summer I

    Summer II 8 Week

    Summer 10 Week

    Summer III 8 Week

    Summer II

    Term dates

    May 13 – May 31 May 13 – July 3 June 3 – July 3 June 3 – July 25 June 3 – Aug. 8 June 17 – Aug. 8 July 8 – Aug. 8

    Term length

    3 weeks

    8 weeks

    5 weeks

    8 weeks

    10 weeks

    8 weeks

    5 weeks


    Key Dates



    Summer I 8 Week

    Summer I

    Summer II 8 Week

    Summer 10 Week

    Summer III 8 Week

    Summer II

    Last day to apply for admission

    Apr. 29, 2024 Apr. 29, 2024 May 22, 2024 May 20, 2024 May 20, 2024

    June 3, 2024

    June 24, 2024

    Registration deadline

    May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 June 2, 2024 June 16, 2024 July 7, 2024

    Census date
    (Last day to withdraw without a W on transcript)

    May 14, 2024 May 20, 2024 June 6, 2024 June 11, 2024 June 24, 2024 June 26, 2024 July 11. 2024

    注:网上报名将于缴费截止日期下午7:30结束.m. until 8 a.m. next day.

    What is Census date?

    • Last day to withdraw without a W on transcript
    • 尚未支付相应学期余额的学生将从该学期的课程中除名

Get the support that's made for you

我们知道开始的感觉,所以我们来帮助你. 在这里与我们聊天或填写这张表格与我们联系.

AlamoONLINE Enrollment Coaches can:

• Help you start the application process


• Connect you to registration with a college advisor

• Refer you to services available to online students

Contact us today.


(210) 485-0110



Office hours

Summer 2024 regular operating hours
Monday—Thursday: 7 a.m.–7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Office closures

Memorial Day Holiday
Monday, May 27

Juneteenth Observance
Wednesday, June 19

Independence Day Holiday
Thursday, July 4

About AlamoONLINE

What "fully online" means for you

你可以用最适合自己的学习方式在网上获得大学学位或证书. 我们的五所澳门正规博彩十大排行平台提供两种学习模式的在线课程:

Asynchronous online learning
Students access their courses each week at any time.

Synchronous online learning


Frequently Asked Questions

At the Alamo Colleges District

AlamoONLINE 代表学生攻读学位的机会范围, certificates, or other offerings delivered 100% online from:

nlc-parapet.png Northeast Lakeview College

nvc-parapet.png Northwest Vista College

pac-parapet.png Palo Alto College

spc-parapet.png St. Philip’s College

sac-parapet.png San Antonio College

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