
圣安东尼奥学院致力于营造一个深思熟虑的学习和话语环境. The Student Code of Conduct applies to non-academic misconduct and conduct involving academic integrity.  All students are charged with notice and knowledge of the contents and provisions of the Student Code of Conduct.

《澳门正规博彩十大排行平台》的纪律处分程序并不是为了惩罚学生, 而是保护和培育学习环境, 以保护澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区社区的利益, 并挑战那些行为不符合准则的人. 当的, 基于在对违法行为的调查中获得的优势证据, disciplinary sanctions are imposed and may include prescribed expectations of improvement on terms of various aspects of personal development, 学术成就, 礼貌, 以及其他相关成功的衡量标准.  Sanctions are intended to challenge a student’s moral and ethical decision-making and help them bring their behavior into accord with our community expectations. The Student Code of Conduct Disciplinary Process is not a criminal or civil court proceeding but an internal administrative proceeding.

  1. 初始报告通过在线表格提交.

  2. 学生行为管理人员将与投诉人联系以获取更多信息.

  3. 学生的行为 Officer will send out summon letter informing the respondent of the conduct and violation alleged, 并为学生提供一个机会来回应或反驳这些指控。.

  4. 调查结束后, 学生的行为 Officer will recommend to A) dismiss the complaint/reported allegations as unfounded based on a preponderance of the evidence; or B) proceed with disciplinary action because the allegations in the complaint or report are determined to be true based on the preponderance of the evidence.
  5. Within five business days after it has been determined that the student will be found responsible and sanctions will be imposed, the 学生的行为 Officer will send a letter to the student against whom the complaint was made to give written notice that the student was found responsible for certain violations and notice of the sanctions being imposed.




  1. 学生可以对责任调查结果、所施加的制裁或两者都提出上诉. A student must submit a written appeal of findings and sanctions not involving suspension or expulsion to the Vice President of Student Success or designee within five business days from the date of the notification letter of the findings of responsibility and sanctions.

  2. 上诉的书面请求应说明学生是否对调查结果提出上诉, 实施的制裁, 或两个, 以及上诉的理由. Mere dissatisfaction with the findings and/or sanctions is not sufficient to invoke the appeal process. The Vice President of Student Success or designee shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal in writing to the student via email within five business days.

  3. The Vice President of Student Success or designee will send a written notice of appeal meeting to the student.

  4. The Vice President of Student Success or designee and the student submitting the appeal will examine any witnesses and evidence.  

  5. The Vice President of Student Success or designee will conclude the meeting and render a decision within five business days. 这将是最后的决定.


  1. 学生可以对责任调查结果、所施加的制裁或两者都提出上诉. 学生有权在纪律听证委员会面前进行听证. The student may submit a written appeal of findings and sanctions to the Vice President of Student Success or designee within five business days from the date of the notification letter of the findings of responsibility and sanctions.

  2. 上诉的书面请求应说明学生是否对调查结果提出上诉, 实施的制裁, 或两个, 以及上诉的理由. Mere dissatisfaction with the findings and/or sanctions is not sufficient to invoke the appeal process. The Vice President of Student Success or designee shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal via email writing to the student within five business days.

  3. 负责学生成功的副校长应向学院院长报告申诉请求. 纪律聆讯委员会由五人组成:两名学生, 专职教师1人, 1名工作人员, 行政官员(主席)一名.

  4. The Chair of the Disciplinary Hearing Committee will send a written notice of hearing to the student via email within five business days.

  5. The Disciplinary Hearing Committee and the student submitting the appeal will examine any witnesses and evidence.

  6. 1. 在作出决定时, the Disciplinary Hearing Committee may affirm the decision of the 学生的行为 Officer as to findings and/or sanctions; amend or modify the decision; dismiss the decision and the charge(s); suspend the decision and send the matter back for further investigation by the 学生的行为 Officer; or recommend new sanction(s) based on significant new evidence presented at the appeal hearing or new violations dis关闭d in the hearing. 纪律聆讯委员会将于五个工作天内作出决定. 这将是最后的决定.

非学术不端行为政策: F.4.2(政策)学生行为准则-非学术不端行为 

非学术不端行为程序: F.4.2.2(程序)非学术纪律处分和上诉程序

